Sunday, December 1, 2019

Occupations Near Me

The invitingness business has become basically starting late, through and through using 266 million people and contributing 9.5% of the world's GDP.

It has been quite a while since the US travel industry ascended out of the downturn. To some degree in setting on a striking improvement of progress the world over. In the USA the gross pay related from $250B to $799B. In a relative time, the Hotel business loose up by 6% from $116 B to $185B. (2019 US Travel and Hospitality Outlook, National Restaurant Association, IBIS.)
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The affecting news for anyone searching for after for an inevitable movement, or a business in the bistro or neighborliness industry is the way that, rising working costs have put pressure on motels and bistros to spending plan enduringly. This proposes qualified association up-and-comers checked for after. Notwithstanding, as experienced bistro heads move into higher association occupations they leave a zone level openings for qualified up-and-comers.

What is a Qualified Restaurant Candidate?

Everything depends what kind of bistro an affiliation contender, or individual with bistro experience, needs to work in.
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In case you are checking for an occupation near where you live, by then you are no defenselessness not looking essential chain, or a huge motel. All you need is a common than standard impression of the business.

Information Is Expensive

A bringing in controlling change can go about as an engaging move. Notwithstanding widened time spans, the work is fulfilling and generously reviewed. An indisputable reason behind the association of progress is to draw in and stimulate a workforce another way to deal with oversee drawing out their commitments through either innovative change, diminishing and reshaping authentic degrees of initiative. restaurant candidate

The course toward controlling change may be regarded a triumph if this change is huge and finished enough. Change the board occupations move in nature. This article gives clear headings on the most proficient system to locate the correct change the authorities calling for you.

Ninety-nine out of each one hundred association up-and-comers are sifting through wrongly. Right when most up-and-comers start masterminding the thought is on them. What they can do, what they have learned, and what they need.  restaurant jobs

Training is typical among café contenders and in the bistro business. To sift through enough it is urgent that you value the central of systems association – "you need something and nothing in this life is free."

Exactly when you gain capacity with this then you will be headed to systems association effectively.

There are two particular ways to deal with get information, pay for it with cash, pay for it with time. In any case, information is a costly thing. The most ideal approach to manage get information is to join both, take courses and secure appreciation.

Regardless, most by a wide margin approach picking up experience the erroneous way. You don't simply advance toward a boss and express that you need to change into an association up-and-comer and you ought to be prepared. In the event that you try along these lines, by then you will wind up running for espresso and clearing floors.

The best course is to partake in systems association social events, neighborhood business parties, and near to philanthropies. The more proactive you are the all the all the more captivating you are to a potential guide.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Com isso em mente, atenção aos seguintes pontos:

Atividades física e pré hormonais: Os pré hormonais só devem ser consumidos por atletas ou indivíduos que fazem regularmente algum tipo de prática física. pro hormonal tiamat

Em outros casos, é essencial buscar ajuda de um profissional para dar início às mudanças corporais que você deseja.

Quantidade recomendada: Utilizar mais que a quantidade recomendada não é uma opção para o projeto verão 2020 e não vai garantir mais resultados em menos rhythm.

Por outro lado, essa ação pode comprometer a sua saúde. Então, evitar a superdosagem que podem causar deficiência hepática e hormonal e siga as recomendações. thor r2

Efeitos colaterais: Sempre que utilizado de acordo com as recomendações do fabricante, os pré hormonais raramente causam algum tipo de efeito colateral.

Entretanto, se notar qualquer sinal ou sintoma estranho, suspenda o uso e obtain auxílio médico.

Pré hormonais femininos: Todos os pré hormonais que podem ser utilizados por mulheres contém este tipo de informação na embalagem, juntamente com a quantidade a ser ingerida.

Manter o corpo bonito

Faltam menos de quatro meses para o ano acabar e a maioria das pessoas só pensar no verão . Mas a certifiable preocupação com essa estação é manter o corpo bonito para exibir na época mais quente do ano. Manter o corpo bonito é algo que requer cuidado diário. Não somente com an alimentação, mas requer empenho diário ou constante com atividades físicas.

 Working structure produtos termogênicos podem ajudar você na hora de manter o peso faultless para ter o tão sonhado corpo. Se você já pensa no verão , vamos te mostrar o melhor termogênico para te ajudar em seu projeto. Ficou curioso? Vem com a gente e saiba tudo! Boa leitura! O que é termogênico? De modo geral, os termogênicos são substâncias que aumentam o gasto energético de uma pessoa se comparado ao seu estado de repouso.

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 Portanto, se o meu gasto energético é de 2000 mil calorias, com o uso de um termogênico será de 2200. O head efeito do termogênico, e também o mais conhecido, é a perda de gordura. Porém, existem outros benefícios do produto como redução do estresse oxidativo, diminuição de inflamações crônicas e aumento da diurese.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Operating system melhores.

 Se você é atleta, sabe da dificuldade que é conquistar o corpo perfect. Muitas vezes ter a barriga sarada é sinônimo de muito esforço e determinação. Mas sabemos que o corpo de cada indivíduo se comporta de forma diferente e nem sempre a genética ajuda nos resultados, mesmo com uma rotina equilibrada. Operating system hormônios são essenciais para o controle e funcionamento metabólico. Porém, nem sempre são produzidos da forma correta e como solução é preciso utilizar os suplementos juntos das atividades físicas. O suplemento pro hormonal, ajudam no estímulo à produção hormonal facilitando o aumento dos níveis de testosterona e ajudando no ganho de massa e perda de gordura.

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 Qual função do suplemento pre hormonal? O objetivo dos suplementos pré-hormonais é aumentar a produção de testosterona em um curto espaço de beat melhorando a síntese proteíca. Ao consumir estas substâncias é possível acelerar o processo de construção strong ajudando a chegar no objetivo de massa solid mais rápido. Operating system 9 melhores suplementos Pré Hormonais Para conquistar aquela barriga trincada e manter os músculos bem definidos, é válido apostar na dieta e muita atividade física.

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 Mas se você quiser que os resultados venham mais rápidos , é válido apostar nos pré-hormonais. Pensando nisso, trouxemos uma listagem com os nove melhores PHs do mercado, confira quais são e escolha o seu! 1# Alpha m1 — Dynamic Recipes O Alpha m1 é produzido pelo laboratório Dynamic Recipes é recomendado para garantir que o atleta fique mais specialty, além de ter ganhos duradouros e maiores. Com fórmula aprimorada o suplemento proporciona um aumento da massa strong. Com o consumo é possível notar diversos benefícios, comprehensive o ganho de força e volume strong. O Alpha m1 pode trazer outros benefícios conforme a dieta e a rotina de treino. Ou seja dependendo da sua alimentação você pode usá-lo para definir ou para ganhar mais massa. Obs: Este suplemento aumenta os níveis de testosterona e se trata de um suplemento importado.m stane

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Pós-operatório e recuperação

Working framework cuidados para fazer a rinoplastia começam wagers de você subir na level e incluem uma série de exames para que seja autorizado o procedimento, bem como jejum de oito horas e até a suspensão de alguns remédios, como os anticoagulantes.  rinoplastia preço

Sabendo disso, saiba que o pós-operatório não é rápido. O nariz é uma das regiões do corpo que demoram que desinchar bem como a cicatrização é mais lenta. Assim, a recomendação médica é repouso hard and fast por pelo menos sete dias, além de ser essencial manter a cabeça sempre elevada. Por ser uma área delicada e próxima da boca, o indicado é comer apenas alimentos frios nos primeiros dias de pós-operatório bem como alimentos mais fáceis de mastigar. Já na questão do inchaço, a resposta é esperar a cicatrização. quanto custa uma rinoplastia

Um cuidado básico para que a recuperação seja mais rápida envolve a compressa gelada na área, bem como nos olhos, e também fisioterapia. Em alguns casos, o médico cirurgião também pode indicar uma drenagem linfática facial, para ajudar a reduzir o inchaço, o que melhora a cicatrização dos tecidos. Como toda a área sofre com o procedimento, é bastante comum que a região abaixo dos olhos e próximo ao nariz fiquem roxas. Pode ocorrer uma dificuldade para respirar nos primeiros dias, principalmente por estar com a tala, mas isso costuma melhorar após quatro ou cinco dias, sendo que não compromete a respiração e saúde critical do paciente. Grande parte dos casos o desconforto está associado ao uso da tala e curativos, menos asa nasal para respirar e dores amenas. Ainda assim, é recomendado o uso de antagonistic to inflamatórios.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Muscle Tech

Tem por objetivo o ganho de massa solid e promover mais energia e foco nos treinos. Este é um suplemento que não restringe seu uso apenas para atletas, também pode ser usado por praticantes de musculação que tenham treinos exaustivos e regulares, após avaliação e orientação adequada. Dentre seus ingredientes estão presentes a creatina que aumenta a produção de ATP ( energia) favorecendo an intensidade dos exercícios e o ganho de massa strong. Outros ingredientes são a citrulina malato que promove a síntese de óxido nítrico aumentando o fluxo sanguíneo e o transporte de nutrientes e oxigênio, diminui a produção do ácido lático e assim evita a dor solid, outros ingredientes são a teanina, quercetina, yoimbina e cafeína anidra, além de algumas ervas, ao todo são mais de 50 componentes. Por ser um produto muito complexo e com grande quantidade de ingredientes que estimulam a produção de óxido nítrico, não se deve tomar qualquer outro suplemento que tenha esta mesma ação. 

Este suplemento foi criado para aumentar a resistência física em treinos muito intensos procurando assim contribuir com o ganho de massa solid e auxiliando também a queima de gorduras. Operating system ingredientes que ajudam a desempenhar estas funções são a creatina( aumenta a produção de ATP), arginina (evita fadiga, melhora a contração solid), beta alanina (melhora a presentation), cafeína ( melhora o foco, é termogênico). Psychotic Insane Labz


É indicado para atletas que buscam superação de seus próprios limites e maior intensidade em treinos. Seus efeitos resultam em oferecer mais explosão de energia, maior foco, força, mais massa solid e maior rhythm de treino sem fadiga strong. Em seus ingredientes estão presentes a beta alanina, arginina, ácido fólico, cafeína, dentre outros que potencializam suas funções. Por se tratar de um pré treino, só deve ser utilizado em dias que se vá treinar e por ter componentes que tiram o sono (cafeína), não deve ser consumida após às 18 horas.  melhor pre treino

Este pré treino tem por objetivos proporcionar mais energia, melhorar a resistência, intensificar o foco e retardar a fadiga. Operating system componentes da fórmula são a beta alanina, L-citrulina, yoimbina, cloridrato de creatina, cafeína dentre outros. 

Operating system suplementos pré treinos devem ser sempre indicados por especialistas que avaliarão individualmente a necessidade de cada um. Quando não há contra indicação e quando há uma demanda muito grande para alcançar an exhibition desejada, consumir os suplementos aqui citados pode ser um recurso válido, porém deve se tomar cuidado e relatar qualquer alteração percebida durante o consumo destes produtos. Além de utilizar os suplementos é preciso manter uma alimentação adequada, pois por mais que estes produtos sejam eficazes, sozinhos não trarão resultados, pois o organismo precisa do alimento e o suplemento vai apenas intensificar an ação dos nutrientes que estão nos diferentes tipos de alimentos consumidos.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Some favored stocks can be changed over into standard stock.

All through a great deal of present day history, setting assets into stocks has been extremely significant and fit ways for individuals and families to accumulate capital, structure wealth, and build up their robotized pay. Regardless stocks remain confused by a logically imperative piece of the greater part (checking the people who contribute), limitless whom view a dash of stock like some eccentric power that is past watching explanation; a progress of letters and numbers that proceed ahead electronic ticker tape and cause business and retirement record adjusts to rise and fall with no real reason. belajar saham gratis

Regardless, phenomenally a well-picked putting away of stocks, particularly as somewhat of a procedure of improved assets and asset classes, can give opportunity from budgetary weight additionally as versatility to channel for after your interests alone time. This is what you need to make of setting assets into stocks. belajar saham online

Put on an exceptionally essential level, a pinch of stock watches out for bona fide ownership in a business. Affiliations issue stock, all around in one of two gatherings: standard stocks and fortified stocks. Stocks are every once in a while on the other hand called "demands", since they are a kind of cash related security, or "characteristics," since they address ownership (respect) in a business.
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Standard Stocks: These are the stocks to which everyone is typically proposing when they talk about contributing. Standard stock is set up for its proportionate bit of an affiliation's focal concentrations or mishaps. The cash related experts pick the Board of Directors who (paying little respect to getting and finishing the CEO) pick whether to hold those ideal conditions or send a couple or those focal demonstrates back the scientists as a cash advantage — a physical check or electronic store that is sent to the business or retirement account that holds the stock.

Favored Stocks: Shareholders of favored stocks get a specific bit of breathing space at fated events. This favored position generally should be paid first, before the basic stock can get any focal centers, and if the affiliation comes up short, the favored scientists outrank the standard cash related experts to the degree possibly recouping their hypothesis from any approachs or recoveries achieved by the part 11 trustee.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Cannabidiol (CBD) stammt aus Faserhanf

Cannabidiol (CBD) stammt aus Faserhanf. Pass on Substanz löst im Gegensatz zu Tetrahydrocannabinol, kurz THC, keine psychoaktive Wirkung beim Anwender aus. Experten ordnen CBD vestibule Cannabinoiden zu, welche in erster Linie aus Hanfpflanzen extrahiert werden. Im Rahmen der Pflanzenheilkunde wurden pass on Substanzen relativ spät entdeckt. Erst in sanctum siebziger Jahren gelang es Wissenschaftlern, flop pitiably Struktur von Tetrahydrocannabinol aufzudecken. Foodspring Erfahrungen

Daraufhin wendete sich pass on Medizin im 20. Jahrhundert verstärkt CBD und seinen positiven Wirkungen zu. Bis heute ist jedoch der zweifelhafte Ruf der Hanfprodukte geblieben. Noch immer leiden CBD Produkte darunter, dass sie mit Marihuana verglichen werden. Tatsächlich werden pass on vielen verschiedenen Sorten jedoch heute individuell angebaut und werden sogar für pass on Herstellung von Kleidung verwendet. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit bekommt kick the bowl spezielle Züchtung Sativa, da sie einen hohen Anteil a CBD aufweist.


CBD Öl besteht aus verschiedenen Substanzen, pass on einen positiven Einfluss auf lebenswichtige Körperfunktionen ausüben können. Neben Proteinen und Mineralstoffen befinden sich auch Vitamine, Ballaststoffe, Fettsäuren und nicht zu vergessen pass on wertvollen Cannabinoide im CBD Öl. Rocka Nutrition Test


Zu specialty wichtigsten Substanzen von CBD Öl gehören pass on Cannabinoide. Sie üben insbesondere einen positiven Einfluss auf das Gehirn und Nervensystem aus. Experten unterscheiden folgende 5 Cannabinoide, denen bestimmte Wirkungen nachgesagt werden:

CBC (entzündungshemmend und schmerzlindernd)

CBD (schmerzhemmend, Anwendung bei chronischen Beschwerden wie Migräne, Arthritis, Entzündungen, Krämpfen)

CBDA (antiemetische Wirkung, Anwendung bei Übelkeit und bei Krebsleiden).

CBG (antibakteriell)

CBN (angstlindernde Wirkung)

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Masterworks workmanship

We should underline what makes craftsmanship looked for after by speculators. The watchword here is the speculation. Many are attracted to the market as a result of the profits that can be picked up, in any case, somebody needs to endeavor to distinguish which canvases stand the most shot of ascending in an incentive after some time.

Give me a chance to indicate why workmanship venture can be a rewarding undertaking.
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In 1941 Picasso himself sold one of his artistic creations 'Le Reve' for $7,000. Equivalents to $37,000 in present-day cash. In 2013 it was sold at the cost of $155 mln. Regardless of tremendous benefit, the time length of 72 years adjusts the annualized rate on venture at 14.91%. Considering an authentic expansion normal of 2.17% for the dollar, the net equivalents 12.74%.
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Masterworks workmanship speculation is incredible, however truly deals like these are not accidents. A great deal of arranging goes into accomplishing such returns, and a portion of the things the best financial specialists will bring to the table incorporate an abundance of learning on the craftsman, work of art and seller or workmanship advisor; comprehension of the authentic noteworthiness of the fine art and aesthetic development it has a place with; and cozy associations with vendors and taste-producers.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Buy directly pay later vehicle parts

We have the whole extent of direct development providers who acknowledge how crucial it is for you to have your own one of a kind cars and truck. Our advancing associations give an extent of money credits, payday advances to sponsor your dream vehicle. If you need a brief vehicle advance and are stuck up with dreadful credit, we can help.

It hardly requires a few minutes speculation to get underwriting for a vehicle advance.

It is wonderful to find that we use vehicle advance not only for new out of the case new vehicle structures at any rate in like way for the utilized ones. We have an extent of vehicle advance things where you may pick an ideal one as indicated by your essentials. If you have to bring house your favored cars and truck at any rate don't have acceptable resources for help it, you may approach us for buy by and by pay later vehicle credit.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Couldn't care less About Your Team

The greater part of the general population who quit their place of employment leave in view of their association with their supervisor. Too often administrators lose their positions or advancements in view of representative turnover. Try not to trick yourself, officials are viewing.

Worker turnover is one of the greatest benefit depletes in an organization. In the event that a director isn't continually figuring out how to rouse and keep workers, at that point they will begin to see a channel. This is one of those impalpable administration aptitudes that can make, or break, a profession. 

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Sufficient isn't adequate. Individuals know when they are being disparaged. They know when the director doesn't generally mind, and it appears in the turnover rates. It is hard to work for somebody who isn't actually included and does not think about anything other than rather profitability.

One of the most serious issues is the point at which a director overlooks individuals' close to home life. A disaster strikes and as opposed to tutoring/instructing the worker, the chief begins undermining and pushing for improved profitability. This not just drastically affects the influenced representative, yet it additionally devastates the group's cooperative energy. Hospitality management jobs

Concentrate on Tasks not Managing

When you come to work are you dealing with the business, or completing undertakings. Try not to turn out to be so put into the lineup for the day that you disregard overseeing. On the off chance that this is you, at that point begin redesigning. Agent a couple of errands, and begin setting aside some effort to deal with your group, before representative turn over costs you your activity.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Prospective employee meeting

Business Hunting

There are ways to deal with location the issue when business pursuing. In any case, contact a lawful guide. Is your case sketchy, ill-advised, or done in perniciousness? Given this is valid, you have a solid parity to go into your next planned representative gathering with less dread than you have now. Since, in case the heaviness of the law isn't met, by then you were not really finished without cause.

Instead of looking horrendous, you can show that you are not a malicious individual by communicating that you realize the last association was 'in the wrong', anyway you searched for another movement rather than going to court. The reason can be communicated as financial as a long court case can cost more than the severance lost. restaurant manager jobs

If you do enroll a lawful guide and settle 'out of court', this can in like manner be seen as a positive. It vindicates you, anyway it in like manner shows that you were anxious to organize.

Planned worker meeting

Right when in a planned representative gathering constantly address the issue ahead of time. Have your convictions held. You have one shot, and one plausibility just, to persuade the action examiner to your side. Appearing to be dealt with, free, and beyond any doubt is the best way to deal with influence the action examiner that you are a fair contract. Hospitality recruiter

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Hitachi machines Review

In this Hitachi C10FCG audit, I'll spread everything from what the saw has, to what it's missing, and even what clients are passing on in the online world about it. This is a 10″ compound miter saw that is contemplated genuinely low, at any rate don't enable the gainful assistance to name cheat you. This machine does NOT require in quality. It was endeavored to be basic, simple to setup and change, and lightweight.  

It's an essential saw that was regular for experts, gifted specialists, and originators. Faithful quality and precision was Hitachi's inside when they made this miter saw. You can make miter cuts, crosscuts, incline cuts, and compound cuts acceptably. The whole observed just checks 24.2 pounds, making it the lightest compound 10″ miter found in its party. So effectively of use and the super-lightweight, you can without a great deal of a stretch move this saw around the activity site and get character blowing use in this way, fulfilling plainly. Hitachi c10fsh review

The central thumb change associates with you to rapidly set the miter edge at different miter point stops, from 0 to 52 degrees. With the tremendous work table, united with the negative standard of direct cutting structure, you can make certain the workpiece will be secure and safe to cut. The point goes despite what might be expected side and has a dimension of 0 to 45 degrees. This saw was worked in light of adaptability, accordingly you'll really regard its straightforwardness and comfort. 

The Hitachi C10FCG compound miter saw goes with the negative standard of lead hold-down gathering, an improvement sack, an edge change wrench, and a 24 tooth saw sharp edge.

Monday, May 13, 2019

Manomano just land in England : find how to buy online

A little while later you may consider what successfully makes this not indistinguishable to online business focuses like Amazon. This is a sensible sales regardless this site is significantly in excess of a business focus. Manomano go about as a business concentrate such an essential number of shops and marchand will impart and push their things on the stage. manomano testimonial

Above all, anyway all brands are allowed to sell on Manomano, they have veritable criteria of who they would let on their business focus. This suggests you should not worry over having any issues with defective things from no-name or fake brands. Touching quality control, it is on a very basic level focused on DIY things like your close to jack of all trades shops making looking for continuously clear.  manomano scam

Mano select cautiously some marchand and shop to make cozy relationship to improve the level of things on their stage. Various people consider manomano and amazon and portray them as two in number and solid stage to buy express things on the web. Moreover, if you are amped in the mood for buying planting contraptions, home embellishments or DIY engine, by then you should pick Manomano instead of going to Amazon.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Mano Mano Forum

J'ai commandé un dévidoir mural Gardena chez le marchant Alexis Robert via le site Il était environ 15 % moins cher que chez LeroyMerlin, et les frais de port étaient gratuits . Le site semblant sérieux et les avis sur le web étant globalement bons, j'ai passé commande en demandant une livraison en point relai.
Ma femme a récupéré le colis dans le point relai qui était une société vendant des cartouches d'imprimantes; la personne lui ayant donné le colis était un jeune vendeur dont le métier n'était clairement pas de restituer des colis qui lui a juste demandé de signer sur un terminal tactile (donc aucune mention du type "attention, si vous signez, n'oubliez pas de vérifier le colis avant").
Elle le ramène chez nous. 1 heure après, je vois le carton, qui semble pas mal abîmé, avec plein de scotch de la Poste autour pour le maintenir. Je me dis que ce n'est pas grave car ce qui compte c'est le produit.
Je déballe, et là je vois que le logo "Gardena" sur le pistolet du dévidoir est complètement passé, que le plastique du produit n'a pas l'air tout jeune, ...bref, qu'il a vécu. Mais surtout, je remarque que le plaque de support mural est fendue et donc ne peut supporter le poids du dévidoir.
En conclusion: au lieu d'un produit neuf, on m'a envoyé un produit d'occasion et de surcroît cassé.
J'ai de suite pris des photos que j'ai envoyé via une réclamation sur le site manomano.
Après de nombreux échanges avec le vendeur et ManoMano, ils ne veulent rien faire pour moi et se cachent derrière le fait que ma femme n'ait pas refusé le colis (ce qu'elle aurait du faire, j'en convient).
Tout ce qu'ils me proposent, c'est de renvoyer le dévidoir à mes frais (un carton d'1 m par 40 cm et pesant bien 20 kg, je ne sais pas combien ça me couterait à envoyer) pour demander un SAV sur le produit!
Est-ce qu'il y a une démarche que je pourrais entreprendre pour qu'ils récupèrent le produit d'occasion et défectueux à leurs frais pour m'envoyer un produit neuf tel que je l'ai commandé.
Merci beaucoup d'avance!
Je suis complètement d'accord avec vous.
Dès qu'il a un problème manomano vous réponds une première fois avec un courrier standard disant qu'ils sont désolés mais ensuite plus rien , aux abonnés absents.
Surtout site à ÉVITER surtout pour de gros achat.
Aucune sécurité ni considération pour le client.
Depuis le 4 juillet j'attends mon colis qui est apparemment coincé à 20 min de chez moi dans les entrepôts du transporteur car il aurait été endommagé durant le transport...
Aucune information ne suis, ni échangé de la marchandise défectueuse que je n' ai jamais vu, ni remboursement.
Une belle [Message Modéré].
Mano Mano à Bannir de son carnet d'adresse.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Notoriety Management


Are negative audits harming your business? Pondering what you can do to fix or enhance your online notoriety? 

The present customers focus on online surveys. Most buyers will peruse no less than 5-10 online audits about an organization before they choose who they'll work with. Actually, examine reveals to us that individuals trust online audits as much as they trust proposals from confided in loved ones. Business Leads

It can take months and years to win another client - and only seconds to lose them, on the off chance that they are discontent with the nature of your items or your administration.  Trade Leads

Unflattering news, audits, pictures, and even by and large lies can be posted momentarily and spread all through the online world rapidly. 

Notoriety Marketing Services can encourage you and your association defeat the harm brought about by negative online surveys, and enhance your general notoriety to win more clients.   Business Development

You can't control what other individuals are stating about you on the web, however you can execute your own audits the board framework to urge your best clients to survey you quickly and positively on the web. What's more, you can likewise control the quality and amount of data you distribute about your very own business online too . 

With regards to showcasing your business on the web, quality written substance is the final deciding factor. We can enable you to build up the substance you have to make a great impression of your organization on the web, and we can enable you to get and distribute increasingly bona fide and certifiable constructive surveys that will impact more individuals to work with you. 

"We see how vital an online notoriety is and how it can represent the moment of truth your business."If your Online Reputation needs enhancement or fix, plan a call now.


Oil Change ServicesWhen it comes to keeping up your vehicle, the most well known useful tidbits are "Replace THE OIL REGULARLY

The most straightforward and most economical approach to expand the life of your vehicle is to replace the oil and channel all the time.  Burnaby OIl Change

Your motor keeps running on oil. It's utilized to decrease rubbing, reduce wear, give grease and makes a seal between the cylinders, rings and chamber dividers as it helps motor cooling.
 Oil change Burnaby

With an "Oil Change, auto fix and Vehicle Inspection Services in Burnaby" oil change or some other administration; you'll get an obligingness check. We'll peer inside, outside, in the engine and underneath the vehicle, at that point clarify the discoveries and give you a composed report.
 Auto mechanic Burnaby

While you're there, given us a chance to play out a graciousness check, which incorporates a visual check of the accompanying things:

Brake liquid

Motor air channel

Coolant/liquid catalyst

Power directing liquid

Programmed transmission liquid

Monday, January 28, 2019

The King of Oils

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Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Integrate Magento Eway Rapid

Trexle connects Magento to Eway Rapid and 100+ other payment gateways using a single plugin for one time annual fee

Magento Eway Integration Guide

Browse into Sales/Payments, and configure Trexle with live and test API endpoints and your Trexle API keys, then click Save ConfigAll requests to eWAY’s Rapid API need to be authenticated using basic authentication. This uses the eWAY API Key and Password in the username and password fields respectively.

Finally, create a test product, logout from your admin session, and test the normal customer checkout.
There are several test credit card numbers available to use. All provided test cards listed will pass a Luhn check, however all the below cards will be declined on the live gateway.
Visa – 4444333322221111
Mastercard – 5105105105105100 / 2223000048400011 / 2223520043560014
Amex – 378282246310005
Diners – 38520000023237 or 30569309025904
Q. What expiry date should be used?
A. Any valid(future) expiry date can be passed with the card.

Q. What Name should be used?
A. Any name can be used, we recommend using eWAY test to identify these as your test payments in the live gateway.

Q. If a CVN is required, what number can be used?
A. If CVN’s are required for testing the following formats should be used:
Visa/Mastercard/Diners – Any 3 digits
Amex – Any 4 digits
Q. What result will the eWAY test card (4444333322221111) receive on the live gateway?
A. On the live gateway, this card will always fail, usually with the error 58 Function Not Permitted to Terminal or 92 Unable To Route Transaction.

This authentication is sent in the HTTP header, most frameworks and libraries provide a way to set these. The eWAY SDKs accept the API key & password along with the endpoint (sandbox or production) when they are initialised.

Creating an eWAY Sandbox API key

1. You will need an eWAY Partner Account – if you don’t have an account, sign up for free!
2. Navigate to the Sandbox using the link below for your country
  • Sandbox Australia
  • Sandbox New Zealand
3. Go to My Account > API Key
4. Your Rapid API Key will be displayed in the API Key field
5. Click Generate Password to create a password for the key. A password can only be viewed once after it has been generated – if you forget it a new one can be generated by clicking Generate Password again (the old one will no longer work).

Install TrexleMagento module by browsing to the root folder of your Magento installation and issuing modman clone You can also download the module from our github repository and see full installation details.
In your Magento admin interface, browse into System/Configuration.

Check xcart cybersource

Monday, January 14, 2019

Buying overseas real estate often comes with increased responsibilities. Hence you need an efficient local real estate agent

While you might be a real estate guru in your home country, buying real estate in a foreign country can get messy without a knowledgeable local real estate agents

Here are just three ways things could go wrong when buying overseas property:

Over-the-top valuations: A foreign buyer probably doesn't have the stats on comps and recent sales that would help him make the best decisions on pricing. Locals might see this as a chance to price the property above market value. Without an agent on your side and banking on exchange rate advantages, sellers might feel justified to charge you more.

Taxes and paperwork omissions: In countries like Spain where there could be local rules and taxes regarding foreign home ownership, it's easy to ignore a few details. Not having the necessary licenses and permissions can be very costly.

Lopsided Communication: Sure your developer wants to come to terms quickly, which you find appealing as you don't want to hang around too long. However, you don't want to sign any form or contract without understanding what it entails. It's always important to get expert advice before signing on the dotted line.

You should have two people on your side when buying foreign real estate, a lawyer, to help with legal complications, taxes and paperwork and a real estate agent to guide you through the home buying process. You might want to ignore an agent's services as a way to save on agent charges. But here are six reasons why hiring a real estate agent for foreign property purchases is vital:

1. Full access to the market: Buyers in North America who work with agents have a full access to the Multiple Listing Service (A service that offers access to information regarding market value, comps and properties on the market). While some countries do not have a property listing service, a good agent will likely have a slew of properties and connections with other agents. This ensures he can secure a property that fits your criteria.

2. Detect overpriced properties: Where there is no MLS to set pricing, sellers and their agent often pad the asking price on their properties. Especially when the buyer has no agent on their side. Even in countries with MLS, ignorance can be a justification for an agent to charge you up to 40% above asking price. You can take advantage of an agent's market knowledge in this case. An agent has comps and data coupled with market experience and should be able to tell you instantly when a property is overpriced. However, do not neglect to do your own research about properties that catch your fancy. This will help you keep unethical agents in check.

3. Help with securing mortgage: One of the risky aspects of buying property abroad is getting financing. When considering going for a mortgage, your real estate agent can give you the low-down on mortgages for foreigners. He or she might also be able to connect you with bankers. An agent can also facilitate your loan by helping you with the necessary paperwork. This is one major reason why the services of a real estate agent are invaluable when you're buying a house for sale overseas.

4. Negotiating and drawing up an offer: Negotiating tactics you have mastered in the US might fail to work when negotiating with sellers in Japan. The reason is that there are culture and language differences which can be difficult to fathom. So instead of trying confrontation or hard sell tactics, it is usually best to hire a professional agent who understands your situation and can persuasively represent this to a seller .

5. Help with finding good deals: You're probably trying to scoop up a good deal on a property. However, it's unlikely you'll find great deals by driving around a neighborhood. Agents have connections with other agents and access to a lot of properties. Hence it's much easier to find great deals by working with them properbuz pensacola fl.

6. Recommend trusted professionals: A trusted real estate agent would probably have a number of reputable service professionals in his network from inspectors, lawyers, handymen, mortgage lenders etc... This would be highly beneficial since you have little experience in the neighborhood and might be susceptible to pseudo professionals properbuz savannah.

Caveat: When choosing agents to work with, work with vetted professionals. Don't just go with the agent down the street as that might turn out costly. This is why we periodically recommend agents in select communities who are vetted and have significant market experience to make your foreign property dream come true.
Properbuz idaho falls

Wednesday, January 9, 2019 is an application created by Aurélien Amacker , which allows a complete and intuitive management of your Internet marketing.
As part of the exercise of a lucrative online business, this application will greatly facilitate the task.
Whether you sell products or services on the Internet , this tool will save you time and energy for effective business management.
A turnkey solution, studied to perfect the management of the pillars of an Internet business:
  • Email marketing for sending emails to prospects and customers
  • The creation of a sales tunnel necessary for the hosting of pages dedicated to the presentation and sale of your products and services
  • Management of financial transactions such as collection and delivery of the digital product to the customer
Because centralizes all of these features in one tool , you can unclog your site, many tools previously required to achieve your capture pages, to manage your lists. e-mails, the creation of your sales tunnels as well as your various financial operations. simplifies your business while providing you with greater flexibility and flexibility that will prove effective for more complex strategic operations.
In short, we have here a great alternative to Learnybox or Clickfunnels ! In the rest of this article, I give you my detailed opinion on some features of the platform.
Click Here to Discover Free For 14 Days!
Systeme has recently reached the 1000 customers 7 months only after its launch , making it the first all-in-one solution on the French market to sell on the Internet! The genesis of the all-in-one marketing tool

All you have to do is learn about the creator to understand that the appearance of is anything but risky .
It is not without saying that behind this start-up hides a young thirty-something French, particularly famous in the world of online marketing and entrepreneurship on the Internet.
Perhaps you will have recognized it, it is about Aurélien Amacker.
Due to its reputation in the French-language web, Aurélien Amacker is now able to capitalize on his audience.
A situation which confers on him a capacity of quality analysis, thanks to the feedbacks of his customers concerning the problems encountered during the use of tools that he himself exploited .
Indeed, this successful young entrepreneur has been working on the Internet since 2010. Throughout his career, he has steadily increased his audience of clients and entrepreneurs.
These last ones having for common passion that of our protagonist, they thus became loyal to his YouTube videos, posted daily .

Behind the scenes of the creation of

When discovering the CRM Ontraport software (which has a contact management) , Aurélien Amacker tried to configure it, but had to face many problems during its use.
Among these, he refers to the fact that:
  • Ontraport was not compatible with Stripe
  • An impossibility to customize the order form
  • Its price of over $ 300 a month is so huge
After several months of fighting without being able to fully use all the features of the Ontraport tool, Aurélien Amacker decided to have his own solution developed to meet his specific infopreneur / webmarketeur needs .
After some surveys and surveys of his clients, he discovers that many entrepreneurs may also be interested in using a flexible and robust tool for managing e-mail marketing, promotion and marketing. online sales.
Determined to take up the challenge, he surrounds himself with a team of Russian developers , to develop for several months, the tool in SAS mode.

Aurélien Amacker: The journey of this seasoned infopreneur

Like many beginners, it is through a simple blog that the current entrepreneur has taken his first steps.
Sharing his rather personal experiences, he explained to all how he managed to make money on the Internet .
Through his many videos, Aurélien Amacker has continuously shared his experience and his adventure around This same means of communication, which he will use to maintain his ratings, as to the evolution of his tool.
For the sake of efficiency, it will bring its subscribers to contribution by soliciting their opinions and preferences , concerning all the proposed features.
This process will allow him to respond to his personal problems while taking into account the needs and difficulties encountered by his clientele.
It is following the launch of a product realized in 2010 that it will be propelled on the front of the stage alongside the biggest French marketers (Olivier Roland, Sébastien Night, etc.). A first success story that will earn him a place on the French-speaking market.
A deserved place that gives him the opportunity to teach – to who wishes – an effective methodology to make his passion profitable by means of a blog.
Over the course of months and years, Aurélien Amacker has been able to adapt its training and product offerings to ensure support of increasing quality, aimed at resolving the many problems faced by its clientele.
Until the day when, leaving the beaten track, he will write a book and offer a subscription offer at a broken price. This in order to help the maximum number of people to live a profitable activity on the Internet.
“I make a living with my blog”: The consecration of Aurélien Amacker!
The publication of a book is an event that a contractor often achieves only once in his life .
Aurélien Amacker published in 2014 a book ” I make a living with my blog ” in which he traces his career.
Explaining how he managed to finance his vacation and lifestyle through his blog , he will also detail the implementation of its new business support for customers wishing to do the same.
You can also receive it immediately and for free by clicking here .
I make a living with my blog

The Business Pass for beginners of the web

If in the early days it was necessary to pay several hundred euros to benefit from training Aurélien Amacker and to have the privilege of being a customer, today, the launch of its Business Pass changes the deal.
In fact, this monthly subscription provides each month, a quality training at the lowest price, to accompany you on the duration and that, until the final completion of your project.
Because it is rare to get immediate results, the Business Pass is perfect for those new to online marketing .
Thanks to this subscription form, you are guaranteed to follow all the steps necessary for a training worthy of the name.
If your interest is in creating a business via the Internet to generate additional revenue, then the Business Pass is by far the best investment.
This is because you will have all Aurélien Amacker products , which will allow you to cover all topics related to the creation of a profitable online business.
To learn more about the Business Pass, you can click here .
You can also discover below Aurélien Amacker’s flagship trainings:
  1. “Earn 2k € per month by working 1h per week”
  2. “The New System That Pays Big”

Aurélien Amacker, 1 st beta tester for his startup

Regarding the creator of, it is normal for Aurelien Amacker to be the first to fully use his own tool to manage the Internet marketing of his various blogs and activities on the Internet.
That’s why he migrated his two main businesses online. Is :
  • A blog dedicated to learning English and on which he sells a dedicated methodology for this purpose
  • His activity of trainer in marketing which represents today for him, more than 90% of his incomes
Although Systè allowed him to optimize his two successful online businesses , it did not happen overnight.
At first, he had to make sure that his blog of learning the English language worked automatically 100%.
In a second time he had to migrate to all his contacts , formerly on Aweber.
However, the results achieved through his tool have been above expectations.
Indeed, the fact of having left Aweber allowed him to increase the differentiability of his e-mails , which led to the increase of the number of people having seen and consulted the offers. And ultimately, a significant increase in turnover .
Indeed, uses SendGrid as a provider for sending e-mails. SendGrid is one of the best e-mail sending providers since specialized on the subject.
The latter far exceeds the performance that can be obtained with conventional autoresponders such as Aweber, SG-autoresponder or MailChimp.

Systemeio: Will it meet YOUR web-entrepreneur needs? is an all-in-one tool for managing all of your Internet marketing .
It allows you to create forms to invite targets to leave their e-mail address, easily upload capture pages and manage their e-mail lists.
The tool is 100% available in French and many features are added on a regular basis (such as bump orders, recently) to meet all the needs and expectations of the first users.
Aware that this solution is brand new, Aurélien Amacker relies heavily on the feedback of its users to improve its tool and to offer a product of excellence in the market of online marketing. An autoresponder or a CRM?

Systè is a complete software that is much more efficient than conventional autoresponders on the French market, such as Aweber, Mailchimp or SG-autorépondeur, used by many entrepreneurs on the web. (And it’s cheaper!) is rather to be considered as a CRM; is a management tool for its prospects and customers complete.
Indeed, the traditional autoresponders propose a use based on lists .
This is a provision of a list of subscribers, wishing to receive your newsletter, with forms that you can put on your website or blog.
As part of a product sale, you will have in this situation a list of customers, including those who have already purchased one of your products or services. In this same situation, if you want to make a limited-time promotional offer, you will have the opportunity to target prospects who are not yet customers .
This is how many people and online entrepreneurs work today. A solution that proves to be relevant in the short term, but can limit and slow down your business in the case of its expansion.
In fact, in case you need to perform more complex operations , this structure could hinder the implementation of certain strategies.
In the vision of CRM such as, we observe a structure of contact type, which allows to centralize all of our contacts. His contacts have attributes (or “tags” in English) that can be associated with them, such as the tag “client” for example.
The advantage of this solution lies both in the simplicity of its implementation and in its intuitive use in everyday life .
A banal operation that can become laborious when using a conventional autoresponder, as the fact of removing from a certain list a prospect or a customer who has just purchased a product or service. With this tag template, you only need to add or remove specific attributes associated with your contacts. Rates and an accessible subscription

Aurélien Amacker has emphasized his desire to offer a tool with very high added value for his future customers and this in order to unlock and help a maximum of web-entrepreneurs to sell on the Internet.
As such, the rates are very interesting, since this solution allows you to benefit from a turnkey tool that manages all of your online marketing!

Farewell Clickfunnels, Mailchimp … !

And that by getting rid once and for all of the multitude of interconnected elements such as a gas plant.
Thus you will pay only one monthly subscription for a cost much lower than the costs generated by all the tools you would have to connect them. To know :
  • 27 $ per month for the “Startup” offer with unlimited everything except: 5000 contacts, 3 member sites maximum and 0 automatic webinar
  • 47 $ per month for the “Webinars” offer with unlimited everything except: 10000 contacts, 3 member sites and 3 automatic webinars per month maximum
  • 97 $ per month for the “Enterprise” offer with unlimited everything except: 15000 contacts maximum
It should be noted that this solution has a ” Freemium ” offer, which allows you to test the tool free of charge for 14 days without removing your credit card. This is a significant advantage to ensure that it fits your expectations.
To do this, simply click here to create your account and start your trial period .
With this test formula, no risk of buying a product that does not satisfy you. The process is simple: you register, you test by yourself and see if the tool is useful for your business .
This is the advantage of having at the head of the startup a seasoned entrepreneur, aware of the blockages that some confreres or customers reluctant to pay several hundred euros for products or services they do not know their true efficiencies.
Some user reviews from

Roadmap: Other features planned for the coming months

  • Adding an alternative payment processor to Stripe (for anyone who can not use Stripe)
  • Adding features in the auto-responder
  • Split-tests (A / B tests) in the page editor
  • Reduction code creation system
  • Visual editor for automation
  • Marketplace to promote affiliate training of other users
  • Show users what videos they have watched and improve navigation for members of trainings

Strengths of

  • The cheapest all-in-one marketing tool on the market! Nothing to do with Clickfunnels or others rates.
  • Very easy to use and to use
  • All the tools you need in one place (training space, autoresponder, video hosting, capture and sales pages, etc.)
  • Possibility of selling your physical products for your business ecommerce (in dropshipping or not)
  • Modern and formidable design
  • The cream of the crop of webmarketing features (order bumps, 1-click upsells, automated webinars, affiliate system, etc.)
  • A product for webentrepreneurs, by a webentrepreneur
  • Very frequent updates (improvements, new features, bug fixes) as you can see above
    Tested and approved by already almost 1000 customers! weaknesses:

  • Training tools hitherto a little neglected compared to marketing features
  • Lack of templates in the page editor
  • Few tutorials currently
  • No advanced features in the autoresponder compared to competitors
  • Impossibility for the moment to perform A / B tests


With , you can test without any risk and benefit from the free trial for 14 days. So, you will only have to see for yourself if the paid formula will be profitable for you in the long run.
In any case on our side, we are seduced by this choice alternative to Learnybox and Clickfunnels .
Even if some minor options are still missing and will arrive sooner or later, is a success story for both the infopreneurs and the webmarketers who have tried it.
Not to mention that its price is ridiculous compared to other tools on the market!


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Nowadays there are many tools that can be used to help you manage your online business. It’s easy to find them, but it’s a bit harder to choose the best one. In this article, we are going to review, the funnel app created by Aurélien Amacker.

For most companies, they are using content to promote their products. So the goal is to use a software that is allowed to attract traffic on specific keywords, have the visitors subscribing to a newsletter and then trying to provide value to this prospects. In the end, you get the trust of the prospects and they will be willing to buy your product. It’s the fundamental of content marketing and funnel let you handle it from the discovery up to the sale. reviews: what is it? is an online application thought to help you successfully manage your business in an online environment and follow your digital marketing strategy much easier. It doesn’t matter whether you are selling products or advertising services online. This app will save you a lot of time, at the same time as it helps you improve your results. gathers all the necessary characteristics you need to manage in order to run an online business:
  1. Email marketing strategy (unlimited emails)
  2. Sales funnel creation in order to have a place to locate your web pages, blogs, and an online platform used to promote your products and services
  3. Manages money transaction and the delivery of the product to the client
  4. Run evergreen automated webinars
  5. Host membership sites
  6. Control over your affiliate program

How much does a all-in-one funnel software like this cost?

If you weren’t still impressed by all the features offered by the French application (that is now open to worldwide users), you’ll surely be by its price. It costs only 27 dollars per month. Thanks to its affordable price, it is available for any type of business no matter its size, from small local business to big international enterprises. Depending on the needs of your business, you have three different offers to choose from:
  • Start offer – you pay only 27$ per month and you can enjoy an unlimited service, excepting the number of contacts allowed (only 5000), member sites (three maximum) and no access to automatic webinars.
  • Webinars offer – for only 47$ you can enjoy unlimited services, except for the number of contacts allowed (10.000), member sites (three max) and access to a maximum of three webinars per month.
  • Enterprise offer – you pay 97$ per month and have unlimited services, except for the number of contacts allowed, with has a limit of 15.000 contacts.
Moreover, you have a 14-day trial where you can try the app and see how it works and if it fits your business needs. If that’s the case, you’ll have to choose among one of the offers mentioned above. If you don’t like it you just need to delete your account.

Advantages of Systemeio

There are many things that make this app a great marketing tool. Here you have some examples:
  • It is very affordable. In fact, it is one of the cheapest marketing tools of the market. Thanks to that, it is accessible by every business, no matter its size.
  • It combines all the elements of a digital marketing strategy under the same interface to make it easier to follow the progress and to analyze the results.
  • It offers every single tool you need to create an online presence for your business: video platform, automatic response, sales page, etc.
  • It offers automated webinars and allows clients to make their purchases with just one click. Easing the purchase procedure actually increases sales.
  • Constant updating with improvements for the application. It never gets outdated.
  • Modern design and intuitive interface. customers’ reviews has been already used by more than 1000 clients, and all of them have given a positive review of There are no negative reviews on the Internet.

Conclusion : should you use for your marketing

As a user, it’s obvious for us that this software is a must-do that an online entrepreneur must have as his toolbox. Creating funnels that convert is a priority because the world is changing and consumers are less “easy” than before. They need to receive value first, are more sensitive and have plenty of choice so it’s necessary for a business owner to forecast those goals and overcome them using a tool like or Clickfunnels.
When it comes to the price, it’s definitely what push us in the direction of it’s way cheaper, the interface is more user friendly and the features are kind of unlimited without any worry about growing our business up.
If you are still not convinced, join the free trial today on by using our special link bellow and you can enjoy testing the tool without paying anything. Then you will see by yourself if this software can help you to make your business going bigger.

bijoux prénom

Définition et historique des bijoux créole


Le mot bijou désigne un élément de parure minutieusement travaillé et qui se vend avec un prix élevé. Son caractère précieux reflète la qualité de sa matière et le savoir faire de l’orfèvre qui l’a façonné. Dans le sens figuré, bijou peut vouloir dire un chef d’œuvre ou un objet très élégant. Un bijou attire les regards par sa conception et sa finition. Dans un autre contexte, le mot bijou peut être attribué à un enfant beau, intelligent et très aimé par ses parents.

Le mot créole est dérivé du nom portugais « crioulo » qui, lui-même est originaire du verbe latin « creare » qui veut dire faire naître. Au Brésil, crioulo désignait un valet métis noir qui a grandi dans la demeure de son maître. Plus tard, « criollo » fût utilisé pour parler des enfants de colons espagnols nés en Amérique. A partir de là, le mot français « créoles » était attribué aux blancs nés dans les colonies. De nos jours, la langue créole est parlée par les populations des Antilles et des îles de l’océan indien comme les Seychelles, la réunion et l’île Maurice. Les bijoux créole sont ceux qui sont conçus, fabriqués et portés par les femmes de ces îles exotiques.


Les premiers éléments de parure ont été retrouvés à Blombos, en Afrique du sud. Ils ont été utilisés depuis plus de 75000 ans ! Au paléolithique, l’homme utilisait des coquillages et des dents d’animaux pour façonner ses parures. Plus tard, et dans un esprit de diversification de la matière, nos ancêtres ont conçu des parures en os, en ivoire, en bois, en calcaire et en lignite. Le Néolithique a vu le façonnage des 1ères perles. La nécropole de Varna (Bulgarie) atteste de la fabrication des premiers objets en or durant la période allant de 4600 à 4200 avant J.C. A partir de là, l’orfèvrerie évolua rapidement avec la fabrication en filigrane, en granulation et en emboutissage.

Après la découverte de l’Amérique et la formation des empires coloniaux (espagnol, portugais, français, britannique, hollandais. . .), le commerce entre l’Europe et ses nouvelles colonies a connu un grand essor. Dans le cadre du commerce triangulaire, les esclaves d’Afrique noire étaient emmenés et vendus en Amérique. Leurs premiers colliers étaient en matière végétale avec un ornement en grain de verre, en coquilles et en « réglisses ». A la fin du XVIIème siècle, pour récompenser certaines de leurs esclaves (les favorites, les domestiques et les nourrisses), les maîtres leur ont concédé des terrains pour les exploiter à leur propre compte. Les économies résultant de la vente du fruit de leur travail (légumes. . .) leur serviront au montage progressif de colliers en or. Les premiers bijoux créoles étaient des anneaux d’or portés par les Favorites autour de leurs chevilles, suivies de boucles d’oreilles et de chaînes forçats.

Aux Antilles, plusieurs influences ont contribué à la naissance des bijoux créole. Le savoir faire arabo-africain a migré en Amérique avec la traite des noirs. Là, il s’est enrichi du patrimoine des amérindiens, du cadre naturel des tropiques (faune et flore) et des techniques de l’orfèvrerie européenne (surtout française). En effet, beaucoup d’esclaves « Apprentis orfèvres » d’Amérique étaient envoyés par leurs maîtres en Europe pour des stages de formation. Ce sont eux qui ont donné naissance au bijou créole traditionnel. Au XIXème siècle, les parures des classes aisées se distinguaient par leur ornement en or. L’orfèvrerie a connu un déclin durant les 2 guerres mondiales après la monopolisation de l’or par les Etats. Depuis la reprise du progrès économique (1950-1973) et jusqu’à nos jours, ce secteur connait une croissance soutenue. Les bijoux contemporains peuvent être divisés en 3 catégories. La joaillerie consiste à fabriquer un nombre très restreint de pièces en utilisant des matériaux prestigieux. La bijouterie fantaisie fabrique des pièces en plus grandes quantités avec intégration de nouveaux métaux et de nouvelles matières de décoration. La bijouterie artisanale est spécialisée dans la fabrication d’éléments uniques ou de parures en nombre limité. Devenu un élément incontournable pour les maisons de mode et de design, le bijou créole a fait un « Come back » au dernier salon Dolce & Gabbana du printemps été 2011 avec des Boucles d’oreilles glamour créole. . .

Catégories et types de bijoux créole

Les bijoux créoles traditionnels

Les boucles d’oreilles créoles

L’artisanat antillais de bijoux créole a produit 13 types de Boucles d’oreilles créoles. Le Jonc est composé d’un petit anneau vide se fermant avec une tige. Les Créoles sont formées par des anneaux de dimensions et d’épaisseur variables. Elles peuvent être lisses, enroulées, avec des nœuds ou avec des Cannelures. Les Dormeuses à fleurs étaient réservées aux fillettes. Par contre, les Dormeuses parsemées de diamants à facettes distinguaient les femmes vivant dans l’aisance. Les Pommes cannelles ont un design qui reflète la végétation locale. Leur façonnage est fait avec un anneau circulaire en or rempli avec des pétales de fleurs superposées en forme de cône. Le sommet du cône est constitué par un gros grain d’or.

Les Dahlias sont des Boucles d’oreilles circulaires en or remplies par des corolles. Au centre de chaque corolle, il y a un grain d’or minuscule. Contrairement aux pommes cannelles à forme conique, les Dahlias sont aplaties, à l’image d’une fleur réelle. Le Tété négresse est une autre boucle d’oreille créole. Elle a la forme d’un cercle granulé or. Son remplissage se fait avec des fleurs arrondies ponctuées par de petits grains d’or. Le sommet du cône Tété négresse ressemble à un « grain choux ». Le nid de guêpe est un collier créole traditionnel. Son cadre circulaire est rempli en cône par des écailles hexagonales en or rappelant un vrai nid de guêpe. Le sommet du cône nid de guêpe est une fleur avec un grain d’or en son milieu. La chenille est structurée en 3 petits fils d’or rassemblés à l’image d’une torsade de mouton.
Les boucles à pierre traditionnelles étaient ornées par du grenat, de l’ambre, de l’onyx (noir, mauve, ou bleu avec, en son milieu, un grain d’or) ou par des pierres semi-précieuses.

Les Pampilles sont formées avec des nattes minuscules qui se terminent en boucles d’or pendantes reliées par une tige de fixation à l’oreille. Les « anneaux clous » sont des boucles d’oreilles créoles façonnées en cylindres vides enroulés les uns aux autres comme un petit panier. Les 2 extrémités des « anneaux clous » sont reliées par une tige courbée entrant dans le lobe de l’oreille. Les Fagots de canne sont façonnés avec un enroulement de petits cylindres liés par une feuille d’or comme le cordage de canne à sucre. Les feuilles de vigne représentent le modèle européen d’une boucle d’oreille créole. Son cadre est formé par un anneau de structure ovale. Il y a 3 versions boucles en feuilles de vigne. La 1ère présente 2 feuilles de vigne autour d’une grappe de raisin. La 2ème comporte uniquement une grappe de raisin. La dernière version imite la 1ère (2 feuilles de vigne entourant une grappe de raisin) mais ne comporte pas de cadre annulaire. Les boucles à grains d’or, à grains choux et en maille forçat peuvent être intégrées à certaines parures. On peut aussi trouver des modèles mixtes comme des nids de guêpe ornés d’onyx, de pierre noire et de grains choux. Les pendentifs peuvent, à leur tour, être ornés en pierres soudées par une petite chaîne, des grains d’or ou des perles.

Les épingles et les barrettes

Parmi les bijoux créole, les épingles à cheveux créoles sont fabriquées en or. Leur ornement se fait avec des couronnes en or entourant des pierres précieuses ou semi-précieuses. La femme antillaise porte 2 épingles en or liées par une petite chaîne. Généralement assorties avec sa coiffe, elle les fixe sur la partie postérieure de sa tête.

Les barrettes en or peuvent être ovales ou en filigrane. La femme les porte par paire au dessus des 2 nattes, sur les 2 côtés de sa tête. L’épingle tremblante se porte sur la partie antérieure de la tête. Elle est formée par 3 fils d’or façonnés en corde et liés par un grain d’or.

Les colliers créoles

Dans les bijoux créole, les colliers créoles se présentent sous une dizaine de versions. Leur longueur varie de 1 à 7 m ! Le collier créole reste, de nos jours, la pièce fondamentale de la parure traditionnelle des Antilles. Le Collier-forçat est formé par une succession de paires de boucles ovales creuses, lisses puis striées. Le Collier forçat peut être collé au cou pendant sur le buste à l’image du sautoir avec lequel l’esclave était attaché. Le collier-choux est composé d’une chaînette à boules d’or, entourant le cou 2 à 3 fois. Le Collier grain d’or ressemble à un collier en perles. Les boules d’or qui le composent peuvent être vides ou remplies. Le collier « Gros sirop » est fabriqué par des paires de mailles liées les unes aux autres pour former une chaîne.

La « Marchande de sirop » est un collier créole formé d’une succession de bagues plates verticales et horizontales, soudées les unes aux autres. Le Collier gourmette est formé par une succession de mailles taillées en biseau et d’autres lisses. La chaîne torsadée est façonnée par un fil d’or sous la forme d’une corde. Elle se présente sous 2 modèles. Le 1er est une chaîne dégradée qui colle au cou et le 2ème est un collier à sautoir. Le Collier à mailles concombre est une chaîne en grain d’or ornée en mailles ovales avec intérieur en filigranes. Les colliers « Corail » et « Ambre » sont fabriqués avec du corail et de l’ambre modelés en baguettes ou en perles liées, selon le budget, par une chaîne d’or ou par un fil coton. Le barillet sert de fermeture pour le collier pour le collier créole. On le trouve en forme d’octogone, à facettes planes ou à motif. Les cassolettes sont de petites médailles ornées de pampilles. Les femmes les portent avec une longue chaîne cordée « Gros sirop ».

Les bagues et les bracelets

Dans la mesure où l’esclave travaillait la terre avec ses mains, les bagues étaient quasi absentes dans les bijoux créole traditionnels. La fin du XIXème siècle a vu l’apparition des bagues avec un façonnage analogue à celui des boucles d’oreilles et colliers. Le montage des « Louis d’or » peut être en broche ou en bagues avec la même structure que le collier.

Cependant, 4 types de bracelets n’obéissent pas à cette règle. Le bracelet grain d’or est fabriqué en rangées de demi sphères d’or liées par une petite chaîne. Le Jonc rond est un bracelet créole divisé en 2 pièces liées par une chaînette. Il est façonné en or avec un anneau vide ouvrable à moitié. Le Jonc plat a une structure analogue à celle du Jonc rond. Le bracelet fabriqué en or nous rappelle celui du XVIIème siècle.

Les bijoux créoles contemporains

Même s’ils imitent les formes des bijoux traditionnels, les bijoux créole contemporains « new look » apportent plusieurs nouveautés. L’or peut y revêtir une couleur blanche. Il peut aussi être martelé. D’autres métaux sont utilisés comme l’argent, le cuivre trempé or, l’acier luisant haut de gamme. . . Les matériaux de décoration sont aussi diversifiés. Les bijoux créoles luxueux peuvent être ornés de grains de diamants ou de cristal swarovski. Des pierres et perles semi-précieuses décorent les bijoux de gamme moyenne. Le Collier grain d’or se présente aujourd’hui sous d’autres versions. Il peut coller au cou et avoir des grains d’une grandeur progressive. D’autres nouveaux modèles de Collier créole grain d’or sont faits par une succession de perles, de grenats et de grains choux.

Les boucles créoles diamant en or blanc ou bicolore conviennent aux cérémonies de mariage. Les boucles arcade or blanc pavées, strassées ou plaquées or se portent en soirées. Les boucles créoles avec perles rondes et facettes en cristal ou ovales « gonflées » en argent conviennent à un dîner estival en tenue blanche. La chenille moderne est une boucle d’oreille en 2 versions. Elle peut être équipée en son milieu d’un pendentif ayant la forme d’un piment à bourgeons. Ressemblant à la Pomme cannelle ou à la Dahlia, la chenille peut être modelée dans un anneau circulaire. Pour les jeunes et les moins jeunes, il y a même des boucles d’oreilles coup de foudre, des sautoirs à effervescence turquoise ou magenta, des parures rappelant celles des princesses Inca et des bracelets à bonbons à perles citronnées. Plusieurs modèles de boucles créoles Fantaisie sont aujourd’hui à la mode. On peut en citer les Créoles Design Acier et les « Incontournables », Design Argent. D’autres Créoles sont en acier noir avec motif tribal ou grec, avec perle de Tahiti et même en étoile marine.

Fonctions et fabrication des bijoux créole


Dans le passé, les bijoux créole étaient riches en significations. Les plantations de coton, de café, de canne à sucre, de bananiers et d’autres fruits tropicaux étaient les propriétés exclusives des colons d’origine européenne. Puisqu’il leur était impossible d’être propriétaire d’une terre agricole, les autochtones investissaient dans l’achat de bijoux. Cet investissement à long terme pourra les aider un jour à acheter leur liberté ou à faire face aux aléas de la vie comme la maladie, l’accident, la vieillesse ou le handicap physique. En signe de reconnaissance, les enfants du maître ont eu l’habitude d’offrir des grains d’or à leur nourrice à l’occasion de ses anniversaires ou pour lui souhaiter une bonne année. Dans la mesure où les chapeaux étaient réservés à la femme blanche, la femme antillaise portait la fameuse coiffe de madras qui laissait voir les pointes de cheveux. Le nombre de pointes indique la situation matrimoniale de la femme (célibataire, mariée, divorcée. . .).

Les bijoux de tête doivent donc être assortis au type de coiffe (tissu, couleurs, couture, décorations). L’ensemble coiffe bijoux renseigne sur la situation sociale et les conditions de vie de celle qui le porte. Les 3 broches « Tété négresse » et la « chenille » servaient à fixer la coiffe. Le Tété négresse en version « grain choux » reflétait l’image du buste de la femme autochtone. L’aspect des « anneaux clous » rappelle celui des « Rolls » des vieux moulins à canne à sucre. Leurs cylindres peuvent être creux pour le bijou d’une femme à revenu modeste et rempli pour celui d’une femme aisée. Les Joncs représentent le 1er cadeau offert à la fillette lors du percement de ses oreilles. Les Créoles se donnaient à la jeune fille au moment du saint sacrement (sacre eucharistique). Le Collier « Gros Sirop » et « Marchande de sirop » sont des colliers créoles généralement portés avec la « Grand’ robe » dans les différentes cérémonies (mariage, anniversaire, fêtes). Le collier « Corral » ou « Ambre » sont très bons pour la santé. Le « Corail » régule la tension artérielle et stimule la circulation sanguine. Le collier forçat était donné en cadeau aux Favorites (femmes bien aimées).

Selon les coutumes locales, la broche araignée est portée en période de deuil, pour aider à oublier l’image du défunt. La bague formée de 3 boules d’or est offerte à la jeune fille durant ses fiançailles. Le bracelet portant l’identité, la carte en pendentif et la broche en roses étaient donnés par le parrain et la marraine à la petite fille au moment de sa naissance ou de son baptême. Les « Louis » d’or sont offerts à l’occasion d’un baptême ou d’une communion. L’épingle tremblante d’une nourrice renseigne sur les étapes vécues par l’enfant du maître qui lui a été confié (cheveux, 1ère dent de lait changée). Une parure créole doit être assortie avec le visage de celle qui la porte. On peut choisir une parure précieuse, Fantaisiste, atypique, classique ou design. Un collier très long attire les regards vers le cou et le buste. Les colliers sautoir conviennent aux visages ronds. Les colliers arrondis s’adaptent aux visages carrés ou rectangulaires.


Fabrication artisanale

Pour fabriquer les bijoux créole traditionnels, l’artisan utilise le chalumeau pour chauffer le métal (or ou argent). Il verse l’or liquide dans une lingotière. Le laminage du lingot d’or obtenu peut être en plaque ou en fil. Ce travail se fait à l’aide d’un laminoir. A l’aide du découpoir, il sépare le morceau utilisable et lui donne la forme voulue. Avec le triboulet, il peut façonner des bracelets ou des bagues. Les estampes lui permettent de faire des incrustations comme les fleurs ou les feuilles. Pour fabriquer une boule, l’artisan antillais prend une rondelle en or et la divise en 2. Il les chauffe à 850° puis il dépose l’or liquide dans 2 demi sphères vides appelées bouterolles. Avec le maillet, il les martèle pour en faire 2 coquilles. Striées et soudées, les 2 coquilles donneront une boule de collier. Le bijou ainsi fabriqué est ensuite trempé dans un bol contenant de l’acide nitrique durant 24 heures. Cette opération a pour but de brûler le fil de cuivre attaché à l’or. Ce fil est ensuite taillé et séparé du bijou.

Certains artisans antillais utilisent encore de l’or natif produit par la mine sous forme de poudre. D’autres se spécialisent dans les bijoux en filigrane (2 fils très fins et torsadés) en utilisant des lingots d’or 18 carats. Pour le rendre pur, l’or est chauffé dans un creuset. Il est ensuite mis durant 8 jours dans un bain acide. Après le lavage, il bouillera dans une eau pure. Pour le faire fondre, on le chauffe à des températures allant de 850° à 1000°. Le coulage en lingots et le laminage permettront d’obtenir des morceaux très fins facilement façonnables. Les alliages reposent sur un mélange de métaux de différentes couleurs. Avec un morceau d’or jaune, l’alliage avec du cuivre rouge donne une pièce en or rouge. Un alliage argent donne une autre en or vert. L’or obtenir un or jaune, on mélange de l’alliage de cuivre rouge (75%) avec un alliage d’argent (25%).

Fabrication industrielle

L’orfèvre commence par façonner un prototype en cire. A partir de ce prototype, il fabrique une moule. Les pièces moulées en cire (bagues, boules. . .) portent une tige. Plusieurs pièces en cire forment un arbre. Cet arbre est mis dans un cylindre plein de plâtre. Après le séchage, le cylindre est mis au four à 850° durant une nuit entière.

La fonte et la liquéfaction totale de la cire laisse un vide qui sera rempli par le métal liquide du futur bijou créole (or, argent. . .). Le cylindre est ensuite mis dans un bac d’eau froide. Cette opération entraîne la dissolution totale du plâtre. A partir de cette étape, on obtient les pièces voulues en or, en argent ou en acier sous la forme d’un arbre. Les pièces sont ensuite polies et soudées pour donner le bijou final. Antilles bijoux vous offre une large gamme de bijoux créole avec des prix à votre portée.

Droit d’auteur appartenant à la société , (articles L. 111-1 et L. 123-1, du code de la propriété intellectuelle).